Monday, October 24, 2016

Week of 10/24

LOTS to discuss this week! 

RED RIBBON week this week: 

This week we will celebrate Red Ribbon Week, a week to inform and celebrate drug-free youth.  We will be having spirit days to celebrate the week.

Monday - "I elect to be drug free!" Wear red, white, and blue.  Everyone will receive red ribbons.

Tuesday - "Cuddle up to a drug free life." Bring your favorite stuffed animal to cuddle.

Wednesday - "Follow your dreams, ,don't do drugs." Wear your pajamas.

Thursday - "Team up against drugs."  Wear your LAA jersey or favorite sports team jersey.

Friday - "Red-y to live a drug free life!"  Wear red to show you are drug free.

  • Grocery bags decorated by our students with drug free messages will be delivered to the Schnucks of Baptist Church and Lindbergh.  Be on the lookout for them if you shop there.


*If you are interested in helping plan, donate items, or to attend the party, please send me an email listing how you would like to help and I will pass your information on to our Party Coordinator, Mrs. Baalmann. Thank you!

My class & Mrs. Jenkerson's class are to wear their costumes TO SCHOOL. This rule is different for the other students in the school, so please do not be confused! We will be celebrating as a class in the AM and don't have much time to change into our costumes. Parents are invited to arrive at 10:15 to begin setting up. We will be walking around the school in our Halloween Parade from 10:15-10:30. When we return, the festivities will begin. Our party will be from 10:30-11:30. If you plan to attend, you may sign your child out at 11:30 and dismiss. If your child remains at school, they will follow their normal dismissal routine (bus, pick up, Fun2,3)

Halloween Costume Guidelines:Please read!

Monday-A Music
Tuesday-B PE *inflatables: wear clean socks & no jewelry
Wednesday-C Library
Thursday-D Art
Friday-E Pumpkin Patch

Sight Words: 
here,not, have
Words will be assessed on Thursday, October 27th. 
Letter of the Day:

Story of the Week:
Pumpkin, Pumpkin
Big Pumpkin
5 Little Pumpkins *poem

Reading Strategy: Fluency, characters & sequence

Shared Writing: I see a ____ under the pumpkin

Numbers 2,3,4 and 5
5 Little pumpkins: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th position

Teacher Notes: 
Parent/Teacher Conferences: I am looking forward to meeting with you at our scheduled time.  Please check the conference schedule.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  I am looking forward to meeting with you!!

Field Trip permission slips: I have sent you an email indicating whether you have returned your permission slip for our Pumpkin patch field trip on Friday.  There was a mistake on the form and the total is $11.  If you sent in $10 (like the form stated), I have sent you an email asking if you could please send in $1.  I am SO sorry for the confusion!!!  

10-24 Parent Teacher conferences

10-26 Parent Teacher conferences

10-31 Classroom Parties

11-1 Papa John's night

11-2 Picture Retake Day

11-4 Kid's Voting

11-4     1st Grade Magic House visit

11-4 Building Assistant's Day

11-7 No School

11-8 No School

11-9 PSghetti's Night

11-11 Veterans' Day Breakfast

11-15 Staff Meeting 8:00

11-16 1st and 3rd Grade Music programs

11-17 3rd Grade to Courthouse

11-18 Fall Family movie night (this is in place of the staff/parent volleyball game)

11-23 No School

11-24 No School

11-25 No School

11-29  Academic All Stars 6:00

12-2  Visit with Santa

12-6  Papa John's Night

12-7  Early Dismissal (10:50)

12-8  Elementary Strings concerts

12-13  Staff Meeting

12-20  Holiday Parties

12-21  No School


Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington AM Kindergarten
(314) 729-2400  x6019 

Classroom blog    Mrs. Keller's website


"First we work, Then we play, 

Showing character every day!"

Missouri Gold Star School   2013
National School of Character   2016

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