Monday, October 31, 2016

Week of 10/31

Thank you for making the time to meet with me last week.  I enjoyed meeting with each of you and found it very productive.  I hope you found it worth your time.  We had 100% attendance, so thank you!!

  • Send in plain white T-shirt
  • Wear Halloween Costumes to school on Monday.
  • Check out Blog for updated pics and videos

My class & Mrs. Jenkerson's class are to wear their costumes TO SCHOOL. This rule is different for the other students in the school, so please do not be confused! We will be celebrating as a class in the AM and don't have much time to change into our costumes. Parents are invited to arrive at 10:15 to begin setting up. We will be walking around the school in our Halloween Parade from 10:15-10:30. When we return, the festivities will begin. Our party will be from 10:30-11:30. If you plan to attend, you may sign your child out at 11:30 and dismiss. If your child remains at school, they will follow their normal dismissal routine (bus, pick up, Fun2,3)

Halloween Costume Guidelines:Please read!

Monday-A Music
Tuesday-B PE wear tennis shoes
Wednesday-C Library
Thursday-D Art
Friday-E PE wear tennis shoes

Sight Words:  

said, come, look
It seems like a lot, so don't forget to keep it fun.  You can play sight word "Go Fish" or "Memory".  You can visit Spelling City and use your child's log in and play games or test what they know.  You can hide them around the room and when they find it, they have to read what the word says, or YOU get the card instead! 

Letter of the Day:
*We are revisiting writing the lowercase letter and generating words that begin with the letter sound.  

Story of the Week: Pumpkin Town

Reading Strategy: Lips the Fish-->video
Students will be expected to continue to use their "Eagle Eye" and look to the picture for clues to help them when reading.  We will practice "getting our mouth ready" with the FIRST sound in unknown words. 

"Words Match What We Say"

Shared Writing: I see a ____ under the pumpkin

Class book: Halloween class book

Number Galore book--> #5, 6, and 7. 

Teacher Notes: 
Homework: Please remember homework is due on the last day of the week.  We are on Week 5 of the packet of HW and it's the last week.  

Thanksgiving Feast: Tuesday, November 22nd.  
  • Feast Preparation: We need all students to bring in a PLAIN white t-shirt that we will be drawing on.  Please read the note
  • For the feast, we will need food donations & a few parent volunteers, so be looking for more information to come. 
STAR of the Week: We will begin on Monday, November 14th.  Your child will receive a Letter that explains what item(s) need to be sent in to help us celebrate.  It is a very special week and the students always love learning more about their classmates! 

10-31 Classroom Parties

11-1 Papa John's night

11-2 Picture Retake Day

11-4 Kid's Voting

11-4     1st Grade Magic House visit

11-4 Building Assistant's Day

11-7 No School

11-8 No School

11-9 PSghetti's Night

11-11 Veterans' Day Breakfast

11-15 Staff Meeting 8:00

11-16 1st and 3rd Grade Music programs

11-17 3rd Grade to Courthouse

11-18 Fall Family movie night (this is in place of the staff/parent volleyball game)

11-23 No School

11-24 No School

11-25 No School

11-29  Academic All Stars 6:00

12-2  Visit with Santa

12-6  Papa John's Night

12-7  Early Dismissal (10:50)

12-8  Elementary Strings concerts

12-13  Staff Meeting

12-20  Holiday Parties

12-21  No School


Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington AM Kindergarten
(314) 729-2400  x6019 

Classroom blog    Mrs. Keller's website


"First we work, Then we play, 

Showing character every day!"

Missouri Gold Star School   2013
National School of Character   2016

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