Monday, November 28, 2016

Week of 11/28

Dear Parents, 
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend with family, food and friends! 

We only have 3 weeks remaining in the 2nd quarter.  I will be starting our end of the quarter assessment this week.  It is important that your child is here each day and that they arrive on time.   
Birthdays: We have lots of birthdays coming up.  I want to remind you that the new school policy is that no FOOD treats may be passed out for birthdays.  If your child would like to bring something in, I have seen some great ideas: Sticker sheets, erasers, glow sticks/necklaces, baseball cards, rings, gel pen, etc.  

Book Order:Due Friday, December 2nd.  Visit online or paper order. Great holiday gifts!  

(next week: Laila)


Sight Words: 
List 1: the, a, can
List 2: no, what, for

Letter of the Day:
Thursday-X & Y

Story of the Week: Duck Soup
Using the first 3 Reading strategies we have been introduced to: Eagle Eye, Lips the Fish & Stretchy Snake. 

Writing True Stories
Asking who? what? where? 
Adding Speech Bubbles
2D shapes: hexagon, review & games
counting to 100 by 10's 

Teacher Notes: 
Check our blog for Thanksgiving pictures and a video (compliments of Mrs. Wise).  
You will also see how our first STAR of the week was able to celebrate and some ideas for your child when it is their turn to be the STAR. 

The following link is the flyer to send in with your payment for visit with Santa.  This helps give the SPTG an idea of how many to expect.  

Visit with Santa - visit this link for details

They are also in need of individually wrapped snack cakes for the cake walk.  Please feel free to send snack cakes to the office.  

Thank you to all parents who have signed up to help with Visit with Santa!  We still need a few more parents to make this event great.  Please consider signing up for a 45 minute shift.

Volunteers for Visit With Santa 2016

Sappington students and families can have their picture taken with Santa, enjoy the Book Fair in the Library, dance with the DJ in the gym, play games and make an ornament! This is a fun event for everyone, but it takes a lot of help to run smoothly. Feel free to sign up for more than one shift if you can! Thank you so much, your help and time are appreciated!

We are also still looking for a few volunteers at the book fair.  We appreciate any time that you can donate to us.

Book Fair Sign up

Lost and Found

Our lost and found is too full.  If you are in the building please take a moment to see if your child has left anything behind.  

Adopt a Family

We have the giving tree up in the lobby if you would like to purchase a gift for a family in need.  Green papers will be going home Tuesday with more information.  Next week will also be our annual food drive for adopt a family.  We will announce the spirit days later, but here is what we are collecting:

Monday: Veggie Day

Tuesday: Canned Fruit Day

Wednesday: Dessert day

Thursday: Boxed Pasta day

Friday: Soup Day


Upcoming Events: 

12-1  Book fair preview begins

12-2  Visit with Santa 

12-6  Papa John's Night

12-7  Early Dismissal (10:50)

12-7  SPTG meeting 6:45

12-8  Elementary Strings concerts

12-13  Staff Meeting

12-20  Holiday Parties

12-21  No School


Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington AM Kindergarten

Classroom blog    Mrs. Keller's website


"First we work, Then we play, 

Showing character every day!"

Missouri Gold Star School   2013
National School of Character   2016

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