Service Learning Project

We read stories and discussed why police are so important to our community.  Jack's Mom had the idea to provide the SLCPD precinct with a meal: one for the day shift and one for the night shift.  All week, we worked together to gather donations.  We made a card that included a message of thanks and love.  

Our Thank You card and food donations.
The Baalmann and Keller Family dropped off donations on Friday and paid our respects to Officer Blake Snyder. 

Thank you to all of the families for their donations!  

I am very excited to share with you the response that I received from Major Mike and the Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen of CJ-Engineers!  They were very thankful to receive our book and our cookies.  Major Mike created a collage to share with our class and their families.  I feel very fortunate to have had this awesome experience with all of you and with these kids!  

 Together we were able to donate 36 boxes of cookies and 100 cups of coffee!!!!

The cookies have arrived!  Our book is complete!  Our money is collected and our letter to Major Mike and his platoon is written.  Later this week I will bring all of this to the girl scout troop.  They will pack it up and our cookies will begin their long journey overseas to help make a soldier smile and know that they are appreciated. 

Here is our letter to Major Mike that explains our Service Learning Project.

Read Our Story Here

Wow!  Thank you for your generosity!  We are excited to reach our goal and are thrilled to help send cookies and smiles to Major Mike and his soldiers.  I will continue to keep you updated with our "How to book" and any information I receive to let us know the cookies arrived!  
Thank you again! 


In room 19, academics are an important part of our daily activity; however, character is what we are often remembered for.

A friend of mine is a Major in the United States Army.  He is currently stationed in Afghanistan and is away from his wife and two small children.  A girl scout leader in our area and her Kindergarten Daisy troop decided to raise money to send Major Mike and his soldiers some girl scout cookies.  The troop wanted to let the soldiers know they appreciate their work and to bring a smile to their faces.  Unfortunately, it is very expensive to send a box to their army base.  The total came to $100.  

Our goal:
We have started a "How To" class book in our writing unit titled, "How to Make a Soldier Smile".  It is a shared writing piece that we are writing together as a class.  We plan to send this book to the soldiers.  In addition, we would like to try and raise half of the amount needed to send the box of cookies.  It would total $50.  

*We have raised $47 as of 1/28.  

We need your help:
Please send in any donation that you and your kindergartner feel comfortable contributing toward our goal.  Mark the envelope or bag, "Major Mike".  I will try to update our graph as the donations come in so that you have an accurate idea of how close we are to sending Major Mike and his unit the gift.  Our service learning project will run 1/19-2/3. 

Thank you, in advance, for your kindness!  I am excited to share this experience with my students in Room 19.  It is a wonderful opportunity to let them know that they can make a difference! 

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