Thursday, August 18, 2016

We had a great first day! I want to thank all of you for sending your kids today, ready to learn!  We had a lot to talk about in a short amount of time, but we were successful!
We started our day with a story. We read our 1st book: 
We all have an invisible bucket and we can fill each other's bucket with kind words and actions.  
Do you know how good we are at this?  We already made it to bucket 5 with our class bucket!!  We are already good at filling buckets!

We went to music and were able to meet Ms. Bowles and Mrs. Curry. We already had a chance to get out an instrument and play with the beat!

We had to make a stop at the play ground. Our line leaders and door leaders were a great example of responsibility and did very well completing their jobs. 

We came back to the classroom and we discussed our class rules: 

1. Listen to the teacher and others.
2.   Raise your hand to speak.
3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
4. Clean up after yourself.
5. Be a good friend and show others respect. 

We know that everyone has to play by the rules in sports or it isn't fun.  We want to have fun in kindergarten, so we promised to all play by the rules.  We even signed our poster!

Finally, we colored our Character calendars.  Please look at the Character Calendar each night.  Today's date will be marked with a green, yellow or red day to let you know how your child did each day!  Today we all earned a green day!!  Way to go!!

We had a wonderful day and are looking forward to having another great one tomorrow!

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