Sunday, January 22, 2017

Week of 1/23

Wednesday is an Early Release day: Dismissal at 10:50!

Friday is our 100th day celebration!

I have updated all of the STAR's pages!!!  Please feel free to view them and share the page with family members that may be interested. 

Last week, Annabelle did a wonderful job.
This week we celebrate Luka

Specialists:*Make sure to wear tennis shoes on PE days!

Sight Words: 
List 1:she, go, this
List 2:dad, with, your
Sight Word Test will be Thursday (due to 100th day festivities) 

Vowel of the Week:
No Vowel this Week.  Review of A and E

Book of the Week:100th day stories! 

Writing: Writing Amazing Story Beginnings
Publishing a writing piece. 
What would you do with $100?  

12, 13 
Counting to 100 by 10's and 5's

Teacher Notes: 
100th day:

We have had 20 items donated to our birthday collection.  It does not need to be expensive items.  You can donate gift bags, new tissue paper, wrapping paper, cake mix, icing, birthday cards, birthday candles, etc.  Please consider donating.  We are hoping to reach 100 items before Friday.  Thank you! 

Shirts/Posters:  Let me know if you have any questions about your shirts or posters that you are making at home for our celebration on Friday.  
Example:  or 

JRFH: Mrs. Driemeyer is still collecting donations to the American Heart Association.  If you send in donations, please put it in a folded paper or envelope that is marked.  I had a little friend bring in $5 on Friday and said it was for me.  Although I appreciate the compliment, I don't work for tips ;)  

Valentine's Day: Our party will be 2/14th 10:30-11:30. 

Student Valentines: We ask each student to sign and bring in 18 valentines marked for their classmates.  Please note: Our district food policy states that there can be no food items, including candy, attached to Valentines. Please read the attached note for more information.

Adult Bowling Night:  Get your reservations in for the SPTG adult bowling night at Crestwood Bowl in.  It should be a fun night :) 

Class Buzz Book: I did not hear any objections to including all 18 families contact information in our class buzz book.  We will get that together and out to you all soon.   

Upcoming Events:

1-25  Early Dismissal 10:50
1-28  SPTG adult bowling night at Crestwood Bowl
1-31  Ability Awareness Day Grades 3-4
2-3  School Counselor's Day
2-7  SPTG meeting 6:45
2-10  Father/Daughter Dance (The Pop Hop???)
2-14  JRFH/Valentine's Parties
2-15 Early Dismissal 10:50
2-16  Dad's Club Meeting
2-20  No School (Presidents' Day)
3-4  Dad's Club Trivia Night

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