Sunday, November 12, 2017

Week of 11/13

Good Evening! 

All for Books Coin Drive

This week, Nov. 13 - Nov. 17, we are running the All For Books Program. This is a coin drive fundraising event. We love this program because it benefits our school AND provides the students an opportunity to help others. All of the money raised will not only go toward new books for Sappington students, but Scholastic will match our totals up to $1million and donate to students in need through the Kids In Need Foundation, Reader to Reader, Inc., and the National Center for Families Learning. This year, The Kids in Need Foundation is focusing on rebuilding classrooms and supporting students affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. What a great opportunity for our students to make a difference! 

Students are encouraged to bring in: 

Pennies on Monday, Nickels on Tuesday, Dimes on Wednesday, Quarters on Thursday, and $1 on Friday to dress like a Cowboy or Cowgirl. 

The classroom with the highest total will celebrate with a Pajama Party. Information sheets about All For Books and bags to collect coins will go home on MONDAY.

STAR of the Week: Abby S.

*At the end of every week, you can go to our class blog and find a blog page of the week's events for our STAR.

Please send in a plain white, t-shirt marked with your child's name by Wednesday, November 15th.

Homework due Friday.


*Library is Tuesday!  Please return books. 

Sight Words: 
has, little, with
This is week 11, the last week for List 1 sight words.  Next week we will begin "Round 2".  
Round 2: 
We will have List 1 (the 33 words we just completed) and List 2 (30 new words that are high frequency words).  Students will be expected to read and/or write sight words based on their Reading Readiness.  This may be subject to change, as your child's word knowledge develops over the next 11 weeks.  
A letter will go home in the HOMEWORK folder this week, informing you of what YOUR child's weekly sight word expectations will be.  These expectations will be the same for the words that your child practices each week during homework.   Let me know if you have any questions! 

Letter of the Day:
Q, R, S, T
Focus: Writing letters and letter sounds

Story of the Week: A Turkey for Thanksgiving

Turkey protest
Star of the Week book
Thanksgiving prep: I am thankful for ____.
Using a Vowel Chart & our Word Wall

#17, 18

Teacher Notes: 

Thanksgiving Feast
Tuesday, November 21st. I am still missing a plain white t-shirt from several students.  Please send in a plain white, t-shirt marked with your child's name by Wednesday, November 15th.

Feast Donations
I am sending out the Sign Up Genius page for our Thanksgiving Day feast.  Since we asked my class for donations of noodles, rubbing alcohol and string, we sent the feast donations out to the other classes first and it looks as though all donations are signed up for.  Awesome!  There are only two spots to volunteer, if you would like to come in and help with the set up of the feast and the clean up.  Here is the sign up genius account. Thank you!

Book Fair Events:
Book Fair sales will be open Nov. 27 - Dec 1 during school hours, and open extended evening hours on Nov. 28 and Dec 1 during the GRAND event and Visit with Santa (details attached). 

SPTG Meeting:
SPTG 2nd Quarter meeting will be held at 7:00 in the Sappington Library. This organization is a VERY big part of our Sappington community. It is a great way to understand more about our school and family events.

Visit with Santa: 
All aboard the Polar Express for Sappington's Visit With Santa on December 1st from 5:00-7:30 pm!  Wear your pjs at this FREE event and enjoy cookies, hot cocoa, games, stories in the Book Fair with Mrs. Claus, and even make gifts for your loved ones. Don't forget your camera for photos with Santa. Don't have time for dinner that night? The fifth graders got it covered! They will be selling pizza and applesauce to raise money for their end of the year party from 5-7.  To make this event successful we do need volunteers. Please sign-up at .    #Santa@Sappington


Upcoming Events:

  • 11/13-World Kindness Day
  • 11/13-Mrs. Keller is out for the AM (Social Studies Curriculum mtg.) 
  • 11/13-11/16: All For Books Coin Drive (Monday-Pennies, Tuesday-Nickels, Wednesday-Dimes, Thursday-Quarters, and $1 on Friday to dress like a Cowboy or Cowgirl)
  • 11/14-SPTG General Meeting at 7:00 (library)
  • 11/16-1st grade Musical at 6:15; 3rd grade Musical at 7:00
  • 11/17-Dress Like a Cowboy for $1 for All For Books
  • 11/17-Mid quarter point
  • 11/22-11/24: Thanksgiving Break
  • 11/27-12/1: Book Fair
  • 11/28-Grandparent/Special Person Book Fair Event, 5:30-7:30 pm

Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington Kindergarten
(314) 729-2400  x6008 


Missouri Gold Star School  
National Blue Ribbon School 
National School of Character 

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