Monday, May 14, 2018

Week of 5/14

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  It feels more like summer each day!  

Happy Mother's Day to all of our awesome mothers from Room 8.  It was sweet to see how much your kindergartners love you as they created the gifts with love and attention to detail :) 

Hero's Spirit Week:

Monday-May 14-Medical First Responders Day. Wear White


Tuesday-May 15-Fireman First Responders Day, Wear Red


Wednesday-May 16-Police First Responders Day, Wear Blue


Thursday-May 17-Thank you to all First Responders Day, Dress up like a first responder


Friday – May 18 – Field Day – Wear our KDG color:  BLUE


Tuesday, May 15th – Field Trip to the Museum of Transportation

Students do not need to bring anything for the field trip.  We will eat lunch as usual at school.  Half of our field trip will be outside so please dress your child appropriately.  Wear light weight clothing, because we will be wearing our field trip shirts.  Please have your child wear tennis shoes and sunscreen.

Field Day is on Friday, May 18th  We will wear blue.  The first half of our day is indoors and the second half is in and out of the building.  I would encourage your child to wear a hat and sunscreen and tennis shoes.   They are active and may get wet in a water relay :)  It is a fun day, but they are usually VERY tired when they come home.  

I will begin to send things home.  The rest towels and art shirts need to remain home.  Other things may be coming home, so be sure to empty your child's backpack each night.  

Thank you! 


Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington Kindergarten
(314) 729-2400  x6008 


Missouri Gold Star School  
National Blue Ribbon School 
National School of Character 

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