Sunday, January 27, 2019

Week of 1/28

Let me begin by saying:   THANK YOU!!!
We collected enough money with our 100 coin collection, that we can adopt TWO Zoo animals!!  We will vote for these animals on Monday and I'll let you know what the winners are.  The kids will be SO excited!  

The 100th day was AWESOME fun.  We played and counted and counted some more! Check out our day on FB

NO SCHOOL on FRIDAY, February 1st.  

STAR of the Week:
Last week Bridget and Charlie did a FABULOUS job!  They were so flexible with all of the 100th day activities and made it a great week of leadership.  We will post their special week on FB soon!   

This week we celebrate Elise and Emory! 


Sight Words: 
List 1: she, go, this
List 2: dad, with, your
Just a reminder that it is very important that the kids practice reading and writing these words at home.  Test will be on Thursday. 

Story of the Week: Each Kindness and Enemy Pie
We will be celebrating small acts of kindness as we enter into Friendship February. 

Reading Strategy: Chunky Monkey  

Writing: Storytelling: Who? Where? What happened?  
Adding detail and speech bubbles. 

16, 17, 18

Teacher Notes: 
Parent/Teacher Conferences: I am looking forward to meeting with each of you this week.  We won't cover everything that we'd like to because we are limited to 15 minutes, but I hope to give you a good picture of how your child is doing and our goals for the remaining semester.   Check the SCHEDULE here! 

Friendship Party: Our party will be 2/14th 1:45-2:45 pm.  Sign up Genius will be coming SOON! 

Student Valentines: We ask each student to sign and bring in 21 valentines for their classmates.  Please note: Our district food policy states that there can be no food items, including candy, attached to Valentines. Please read the attached note for more information.

Sappington Daughter Dance - She Puts The Color In My World

Feb 8th, 6pm - 8:30pm

Genesis Catering, 2651 Telegraph Rd, 63126

Dress in your favorite color, party dress or rainbow tutu and dance the night away with one of your favorite adults who makes your day brighter! Enjoy a selfie station, formal photographer, games, food and music. Cost is $25/couple (child and 1 special guest. This can be dad, mom, aunt, uncle, a grandparent, etc..... ) and $10 for each additional daughter. Cost includes full dinner, dessert, soft drinks and DJ. Open to current Sappington students only. Advance ticket sales only.  Online registration available (small additional fee) or send in flyer with payment. Registration is due by 2/1/19.  

Upcoming Events: 
  • 1/29-Elementary Conferences at 4:00-7:00 PM 
  • 1/31-Elementary Conferences at 4:00-7:00 PM 
  • 2/1-No School (Conference Compensation Day)
  • 2/5-SPTG General Meeting Fine Arts Night
  • 2/5-Papa John's Night
  • 2/6-Early Release at 1:40 PM
  • 2/8-Counselor's Day
  • 2/8-Family Friday Reading (3-5)
  • 2/8-Sappington Daughter Dance at Genesis Catering
  • 2/14-School Store
  • 2/14-Friendship Parties at 1:45-2:45 PM
  • 2/18-No School (Presidents' Day)
  • 2/19-Kindergarten Registration Begins
  • 2/23-Dad's Club Trivia Night


Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington Kindergarten
(314) 729-2400  x6008 


Missouri Gold Star School  
National Blue Ribbon School 
National School of Character 

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