Sunday, May 14, 2017

Week of 5/15

The next 2 weeks are going to be very busy.  PLEASE send your child EVERY day.  Besides TONS of fun, I need to get some end of the quarter assessment in (boooooo!!!!) and I really need every possible day.  Thank you!!

Monday: send in teddy bear, Field Trip permission slip to Suson will be coming home.  Please sign and return ASAP. 

Tuesday: May 16th, will be fly up day, where students "fly up" to the next grade and meet their teachers for next year. Students going to Dressel will be transported to the high school and those staying at Sappington will stay at Sappington for the morning (approx.9-10:30). It is imperative that your child be at school on Tuesday no later than 8:45! Buses for Dressel will be leaving promptly and we do not want anyone to miss it! Dressel students please wear GREEN!

*We will have an intruder drill on Wednesday at approximately 10:30. We will talk about this as a class and prepare students before hand, but please remind them that we practice so that we are prepared.  There is no need to be scared it's just like practicing a fire drill. 
*Teddy Bear picnic with our 3rd grade buddies.  11:00-11:35.  Please send in a beach towel and a small snack.  We will be sending our teddy bears home after the picnic. 
Friday: is Field Day! Please send your child dressed in orange, tennis shoes & sunscreen applied before coming to school and bring a water bottle! 

Field Day Spirit Week Schedule
Monday: 5/15 "Future So Bright, I gotta Wear Shades"
Wear Sunglasses
Tuesday: 5/16 "Superhero day"
Show your strength and wear superhero gear. (Green for Dressel students please)
Wednesday: 5/17"Workout Wednesday"
Wear your workout gear!
Thursday: 5/18 "College Gear Day"
Cheer on your favorite college and wear your college gear!
Friday5/19 Field Day
Wear your grade level color and tennis shoes! (orange) 

Field Day volunteers:
All are welcome but they need to sign up.  If you've already volunteered your name should be on the list.  If not, please contact Mrs. Driemeyer.  If you'd like to volunteer, please sign up using the volunteer link.  

Teddy Bear Week

During the week of May 15th, the Sappington Kindergartners will be celebrating Teddy Bear Week.  We would like for each child to bring their teddy bear to school on Monday, May 15th.  We will be keeping the bear at school until Wednesday.  (If your child sleeps with a special bear, you may want to help them choose a different stuffed animal to bring so it may be left at school for several days).

The Teddy Bear Picnic will be on Wednesday, May 17th.  We would like each kindergartner to bring a beach towel and a snack for themselves to enjoy at the picnic with their bear and 3rd Grade Buddy.    


Sight Words: 
Assessment on reading and writing all 33 or 63 words.

Word Family of the Week:
We will work on several word families and assess rhyming skills. 

"Does this story remind you of anything?" 
"Who are the characters in this story?"
"Tell me about the beginning, middle and end of the story." 


Upcoming Events:

5-16  K-4 Fly-up day 9-10:30

5-16  5th Grade Fly-up day

5-17  Staff meeting 8:00

5-17  4th Grade to Bird Sanctuary

5-18  4th strings rehearsal 9-11 concert at 6:00

5-18  3rd Grade Economics Day

5-18  3-4 MAP celebration

5-18 Sappington Kindergarten Parent orientation 6:00

5-19  Field Day

5-22  Porte and Kaczmarczyk to Zoo

5-22  5th grade strings rehearsal 9-11 concert at 6:00

5-22  DARE graduation @Sperreng 12:30

5-23  5th Grade party

5-23  Boughman and Altmann to Zoo

5-24  5th MAP celebration

5-23  5th/2nd Grade buddy event

5-24  K/3rd Buddy picnic

5-24  Fritz, Schmiemeier, Rueschhoff to Zoo

5-24  Sappington New Family welcome

5-26  Last day of school 11:50 dismissal


Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington AM Kindergarten
(314) 729-2400  x6019 

Classroom blog    Mrs. Keller's website


"First we work, Then we play, 

Showing character every day!"

Missouri Gold Star School   2013
National School of Character   2016

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