Monday, September 4, 2017

Week of 9/5

Hello parents! 
 Hopefully you enjoyed your 3 day weekend :)  

Teacher Notes: 
  • Family Friday: Kindergarten parents are welcome to come join us in the classroom on Friday, September 8th from 8:30-9, to read with your kindergarten student.  Immediately following, Dr. Parker will invite you to the cafeteria from 9-9:30, to answer any questions you may have and to share some helpful resources available to you. Light refreshments will be provided by SPTG.  We hope to see you! 
  • Scholastic Book Orders due 9/15/17.  Lots of good options online!  Our class code: J3MJR
  • Homework: Red homework folders will be sent home MONDAY.  Inside you will find a packet for the month of September.  This year, I am asking your children to complete two tasks each night. 1) I am asking that you practice sight words each night and have your child record the 3 words that were practiced.  They can be this week's 3 sight words OR words he/she is struggling to learn.  2) Read with your child/have your child read to you.  Parents are asked to record the title of the book.  You will record T-Th. of this week and then return the folder & homework to school on Friday.  I will return the homework folders on Monday.   
  • Eckert's Field Trip: Friday, September 15th from 9-3pm.  Permissions slips went home on Friday.  Please return them this week, if possible.  Students will be asked to bring a disposable sack lunch with their name on it and two disposable water bottles with their names written on them.  I plan to bring a cooler for 1 water bottle that they can drink through out the morning (their are no drinking fountains).  The 2nd water bottle will enjoyed with their lunch.  I ask that they are disposable, so it doesn't accidentally get left behind.  Don't forget sunscreen and tennis shoes are a good idea.  
  • Keller Sappington Buzz Book:  I'd like to have a parent volunteer that would be willing to put together a class Buzz book.  Let me know if you are interested.  PLEASE notify me if you do NOT want your information included in our Room 8 Buzz Book by September 8th. 
  • Grant's Farm Night: 9/21, 5-8:30 pm 
  • The Sappington Parent Teacher Group (SPTG) will have their first meeting Tuesday, September 5th at 7:00 PM in the school library.  Please come and learn about upcoming events and happenings.   If you have any questions, please send an email to
    -Jen Parmeley and Amanda Spies, Co-President
  • Library is Tuesday.  Please return books! 
  • Student Portfolios: Please send in a 1 inch binder with scrapbook style cover page by Friday, September15th.  The binder can be any color, please make sure it has a clear insert on the outside.  Thank you! 

Thursday- C-PE

Sight Words: *all sight words can be found HERE at the blog.
I, like, see
Sight Word Reading Test on Friday. 
Sight words begin this week.  We will be practicing them in class, but I encourage you to practice these every day.  Please mark when you practice them on the Homework page.  
*I've attached a document that includes some of the ways you can practice sight words.  You can edit this document, so please share your child's favorite ways to the list so that others can catch on to the fun! 

Letter of the Day:

Our Story of the Week will be "Bored! Bored! Bored!" from the The 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey.  This picture book is a great way of illustrating for children the 7 habits of a good leader.  Our first Habit is "Be Proactive" which we will discuss this week.  
In Writing, we will be Solving the problem ourselves, THINK about what we want to write before jumping into a new story, and stretching words slowly to listen to sounds we might hear. 

We will continue to sort items by color, size and shape.  We will begin our Number practice.  This week we will work on numbers 1, 2 and 3.  

​Upcoming Events:
9/4-No School (Labor Day)
9/5-SPTG General Meeting at 7:00 PM (Sappington Library)
, 5th Grade Party Planning following
9/8-Kindergarten Family Friday (8:30-9:00 AM); Principal's Chat following
9/13-Early Dismissal at 1:40 PM
9/14-School Store (Students may bring a maximum of $2 and shop during their lunch hour)
9/21-Grant's Farm Night at 5:00-8:30 PM
9/22-No School
9/26-Sappington Chipotle Night


Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington Kindergarten
(314) 729-2400  x6008 


Missouri Gold Star School  
National Blue Ribbon School 
National School of Character 

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