Sunday, August 27, 2017

Week of 8/28

This week...

Tuesday is Library-Have your child return their Library book.   They must return the book in order to check out a new one.  I will be pulling the library book out of backpacks on Tuesday morning. 

Teacher Notes: 
Curriculum Night:  Tuesday, August 29, 6:30-7:30 in Room 8 (our classroom). I know you are all busy people.  I will not keep you longer than an hour.  I will talk for about 30 minutes and then allow 30 minutes for questions. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
Blog: Don't forget to enter your email address to get Blog updates.

Early Release: On Wednesday, Sept13th, Sappington will dismiss at 1:30pm.  Transportation will remain the same (Bus #'s, parent pick up, daycare) unless you tell me otherwise.  Please be sure to let me know if your child will have any transportation changes.  

Special Student: Please check Facebook to meet each of our special students :)

Classroom Calendar: Please check if you have any questions. 

Looking ahead: 
8/29-Kindergarten & 5th Curriculum Night 6:30-7:30 PM (Parent-Only Evening)
8/29-Papa John's Night
9/1-Bus Driver Appreciation Day
9/1-Deadline for Logo Wear
9/1-Character Club Applications due (Grades 3-5)
9/4-No School (Labor Day)
9/5-SPTG General Meeting at 7:00 PM (Sappington Library)
9/8-Kindergarten Family Friday (8:30-9:00 AM); Principal's Chat following


Sight words & Homework will begin next week. 

Letter of the Day:
 Monday-C, Tuesday-D, Wednesday-E, Thursday-F
Thank you for signing up and sending in donations.  All slots have been filled.  I really appreciate it!!!! Thank you!

Wemberly Worried
August Assessment
We will begin Reading Centers this week.  The kids always love reading centers!  I explained each center last week and they are ready to begin on Monday! 
We will also begin Writer's Workshop.  

Continue with Math Station (Exploring Math Manipulatives)
Chapter 9 &10, Sorting by Color, Shape & Size and Position Words (in front of, behind, etc.)


Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington Kindergarten
(314) 729-2400  x6008 


Missouri Gold Star School  
National Blue Ribbon School 
National School of Character 

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