Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week of 10/2

The next two weeks I will be completing end of the quarter assessment.  Here is a list of expectations for the end of 1st quarter.  If your child can meet these expectations, then they will receive an ME (Meets Expectations) on the report card.  This will be what I will be reviewing over the next 2 weeks :)  

I will also review your child's effort.  The Effort Rubric is used on the report card. 


*Library on Tuesdays

Sight Words: 
he, and, at
Please make sure you practice these words EACH night and review the other sight words as well.  These words are seen frequently in our reading books and used in writing.  They are a WONDERFUL foundation for helping build a strong reader and writer.  
I don't want it to be about "THE test" on Friday,  The test is a check in with me, so I can see what they have learned through out the week at home and at school. Keep up the hard work!!

Letter of the Day:

Our Story-Mrs. Wishy Washy
Environmental Print: We can read!

Writing: We are going to celebrate our writing so far! Share stories with classmates. 

2D shapes
Playing with numbers 0-10
Writing, counting, building and more

Teacher Notes: 
  • 10/3-Papa John's Night
  • 10/6-Custodian Appreciation Day
  • 10/12-School Store
  • 10/13-First Grade Family Friday (8:30-9:00); Principal's Chat (9:00-9:30)
  • 10/13-First Quarter Ends (Half Day; Half Records Day)
  • 10/20-Bingo Night at 6:30 PM (Gym)
  • 10/23-Elementary Conferences (4:00-7:00 PM)
  • 10/25-Elementary Conferences (4:00-7:00 PM)
  • 10/27-No School (Conference Comp Day)
  • 10/31-Halloween Parade at 1:15; Halloween Party at 1:45-2:45

Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington Kindergarten
(314) 729-2400  x6008 


Missouri Gold Star School  
National Blue Ribbon School 
National School of Character 

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