Monday, February 26, 2018

week of 2/26

Friday is Dr. Seuss' birthday!  
We are learning so much this year, so much that we know! 
With fabulous stories like Cat and the Hat or Oh the Places You'll Go!
(There is a reason he is famous for his rhymes and I'm not 😂) 

Library Books due tomorrow (Tuesday!) 

Connor had a great week as our STAR! 
This week we celebrate Evie!  She started off with a very exciting Show and Tell. So tune in later this week to find out why! (sorry, it's ratings week) ;) 

Tuesday-D-Art (please return your child's art shirt that was used to wrap their pinch pots).
Thursday-B-music (Please remember to upload your pet's photo for our Grandparent's Day project in music. TY! ​


Sight Words: PLEASE READ
*We will begin Round 3.  I will be sending home a paper that let's you know what your child will be responsible for each week.  All students will be asked to write a sentence that I will read and they will dictate.  I am looking to see that they show improvement during the quarter.  They may start off as a concern, but I don't "average" their grades, I am looking to see growth.  
Challenge Words (1st grade words)  Some students have shown that they can read and write lists 1 and 2.  I will have them work on Challenge words.  These lists come from 1st grade.  A packet will be sent home on Monday.  They can practice this packet and the challenge words as their Sight word practice.  Then at the end of the week, they will be asked to read and write all 10 words.  We will use Spelling City for the Friday written test and for extra practice.  If they miss more than one word, I will have them repeat the same list for an additional week.  They will move at their own pace.  

List 1: I, like, see
List 2: will, run, yes
Challenge Words
Test will be on Friday

Word Family of the Week:
-ig Family
Teacher Notes: 

  • Assessment: We will be completing a lot of assessment this week for the end of the quarter.  
  • Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, March 15th.  There is only one evening scheduled for conferences because the spring conferences are not intended for all students.  These conferences are by invitation or parent request.  Please note that you do not need to wait until this date to address a concern or ask questions :)  Conference papers will be coming home this week.
  • Original Works packets will be coming home on Tuesday.  
  • Mom Prom form deadline has been extended to Wednesday, February 28th.  
  • Yearbook Pictures-We are in need of pictures (field trips, class parties, class activities). You can submit photos via eShare online at Our school code is 16778. You can also download the HJeShare app to your phone. Please encourage your families to submit pics as well! It's very important to enter the teacher's name where it says Grade Level. Here is the tutorial.

Upcoming Events:

28-Yearbook orders deadline
2/28-New Families School Tour at 9:30 AM & 12:30 PM
3/5-3/12:  Pennies for Patients Week!  
3/6-Papa John's Night
3/8-School Store
3/9-Half School Day-Dismissal at 11:50 AM (PM Kindergarten attends); 3rd Quarter Ends
3/9-Fifth Grade Family Friday (8:30-9:00); Principal's Chat (9:00-9:30)
3/9-Mom Prom (Genesis Catering at 6:00-9:00)
3/12-3/16:  STEM Room Supply Drive #supportsappington
3/13-New Families School Tour at 10:00 AM & 1:00 PM
3/15-Elementary Evening Conferences (4:00-7:00)
3/16-Half School Day-Dismissal at 11:50 AM (AM & PM Kindergarten attends)
3/19-3/23:  Spring Break
3/26-School Resumes
3/30-No School; Offices Closed


Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington Kindergarten


Missouri Gold Star School  
National Blue Ribbon School 
National School of Character 

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