Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Stuffed Animal Day, Read Across America, & more

We have worked so hard and have filled all of the letters for "STUFFED ANIMAL" and have earned a stuffed animal day.  Send in a stuffed animal on Thursday, February 28th.  It needs to be soft and it can fit in their backpack along with their folders and lunchbox please :)  Great job boys and girls! 

Reminder: Please return clean rest towels (for my Full day friends).  Thank you!

Read Across America Week: These were posted in Dr. Parker's email, but here is the rest of the week. 
Thursday 2/28-Dress like your friends in matching clothes (I love reading with a friend)
Friday 3/1-Wear green and gold (I love reading at school)  

Also, I've attached the flyer for the potato book character decorating contest.  (I know I have your attention now ;) 

Sight Words: Round 3-I sent home a paper indicating what your child will be responsible for each week.  Our sight word expectations are really tailored for each child.  Mostly our focus is on being able to write and read our words comfortably.  I want to see them using these words in sentences.  Our weekly test will be a written test on either the 3 weekly words or 6 (List 1& 2).  Each child will have a sentence that they will write that I will give them.  I will be looking for spaces between words, captial letters only at the beginning, punctuation at the end of the sentence and sight words spelled correctly.  Reading the sight words will not be tested every week for some students, but it may for others.  The idea is not to be tricky, but to make sure the are comfortable with these words in any circumstance.  If you think your child can take on more responsibility or needs less, please let me know.  I am open to finding what is best for your kiddo! 

Finally, thank you for your patience.  I am still struggling with neck, shoulder, back and arm pain.  My next step is to see a neurosurgeon.  I have been out a lot and I have not been great with email.  I am so grateful for the time I have with your kids and I promise we are still getting great learning in.  I will keep you informed, but again, I thank you for your patience and your kind words.  

Much love, 
Mrs. Keller 

Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington Kindergarten
(314) 729-2400  x6008 


Missouri Gold Star School  
National Blue Ribbon School 
National School of Character 

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