Sunday, May 12, 2019

Week of 5/13

Happy Mother's Day!  
  • Our field trip to Suson Park with our Buddies was a lot of fun!  We worked on showing character: patience, self-control, respect and responsibility.  We also kept our scientist eyes out for the animal classes we have been studying: birds, mammals, insects, fish, amphibians, but THANKFULLY no reptiles ;) We used their rest towels/blankets for our snack time and they should have returned home to you.  I apologize that some of them looked dirty.  The ground was wetter than we were hoping.  These do not need to be returned.  We will be meditating, stretching and enjoying books for rest time the next 2 weeks.  
  • The next 2 weeks are going to be very busy.  PLEASE send your child EVERY day.  Besides TONS of fun, I need to get some end of the quarter assessment in (boooooo!!!!) and I really need every possible day.  Thank you!!
  • Art shirts will be coming home this week. No need to return.
  • PLEASE return library books.  We are currently missing 6 library books from our class.  
  • Portfolios and Summer packets will be coming home in the next 2 weeks.
  • Please empty backpacks each night.  A lot of things will be coming home in the next 2 weeks and backpacks can get heavy.  Thank you! 
  • We will have an intruder drill on Wednesday at approximately 2:00. We will talk about this as a class and prepare students before hand, but please remind them that we practice so that we are prepared.  There is no need to be scared it's just like practicing a fire drill. 
  • Friday is Field Day! Please send your child dressed appropriately for the weather and tennis shoes.  Sunscreen and a cap if it is expected to be sunny.  
  • Field Day volunteers: If you are interested and available, please sign up to volunteer for field day.  If you've already volunteered your name should be on the list.  If not, the link to sign up-

Friday-No letter day (Field Day in the PM) 

Sight Words: 
Assessment on reading and writing all 33 or 63 words.

Word Family of the Week:
We will work on several word families and assess rhyming skills. 

"Does this story remind you of anything?" 
"Who are the characters in this story?"
"Tell me about the beginning, middle and end of the story." 

Addition & subtraction practice/games

Upcoming Events:
5/15-Kindergarten Parent Orientation (for INCOMING kindergarten parents). Parent-only event. (6:00 PM, Library)
5/17-Field Day
5/24-Last Day of School; Dismissal at 11:50 AM  

Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington Kindergarten
(314) 729-2400  x6008 


Missouri Gold Star School  
National Blue Ribbon School 
National School of Character 

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