Wednesday, August 16, 2017

1st Weekly Email (8/17)

Thank you all for coming to Meet the Teacher night!  It was wonderful to put faces with the names I've been writing for the last several weeks.  I hope your kindergartner felt more at ease and ready to begin tomorrow!

A few items to discuss: 
Snack- My number one priority is your children's safety.  We have several students with mild to severe allergies in our classroom; therefore, our classroom is a peanut & tree nut free classroom.  We will have snack time.  Please send in a small, healthy snack that does not contain peanuts or tree nuts.  Here is a good snack guide.   
Birthday treats-We love to celebrate birthdays in room 8!  Please remember that no food items may be sent in to celebrate in the classroom.  Some options are: glow sticks, stickers, small trinkets, a classroom donation in their honor (book for the class library, stuffed animal, puppet, etc), a parent can come in to read a picture book to the class. 
Transportation-If there were any changes that needed to be made, I hope that you were able to stop in with our school secretary to clarify.  This is what I have. Please check to make sure I have your child going home correctly. 

Bathroom-If you did not bring in an extra set of clothes last night, please send in an extra set of clothes in a Ziploc bag that we can keep here at school.  I am just getting to know your child, but some children get nervous about asking, others use it as an opportunity to get out of the classroom and explore and others wait until the last second.  We want to do all that we can to prevent an accident, so please have a conversation with your child and encourage them to ask me when they need to.  

Tennis shoes-We start off with PE, so please have your child wear their tennis shoes to school on the first day of school.  Our specialists schedule is as follows: A-PE
Your child will need to wear tennis shoes every other day.  Please check our classroom calendar on the classroom blog if you are unsure of what Letter day it is.  
1st day of school Photos: Please feel free to post any of your 1st day of school photos to our FB page: bus stop photo ops, in front of the building, on the front porch, drinking coffee ;) 

I am excited to get the year started!  I thank you for sharing your little ones with me and I look forward to a great 1st day!  

Let me know if you have any questions!

Mrs. Keller 


Mrs. Rebecca Keller
Sappington Kindergarten
(314) 729-2400  x6008 


Missouri Gold Star School  
National Blue Ribbon School 
National School of Character 

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